Las inversiones en Túnez Vestuario y Textiles Rehusó

Recientemente, Tunisia Industry Promotion Agency stated that their Industrial investment in the first seven months of 2014 alcanzado 1.83 billion TD. It decreased by 19.1% when compared with 2.26 billion TD in the same period of 2013(1 TD is equivalent to about 0.57 USD ). Entre que, the investment on textile and garments industry declined by 4.5% en base de año a año.

The department stated that there are totally 32,439 job opportunities produced by Tunisia industrial investment in this year. Sin embargo, this is less than that of last year, which created 38,500 job opportunities.

Since the beginning of 2014, chemical industry has an investment growth of 10.6%. Except that, investments on other main industrial fields have all decreased. Investment on shoes and leather industry has declined by 10%. The machinery industrial investment has declined by 7.4%. While that of apparel and textile industry has decreased by 4.5%.

Además, the foreign investments of joint ventures in Tunisia have decreased also from 1.1 billion TD in 2013 a 0.64 TD, with a huge gap of 41.9%. Sin embargo, investments of exclusively foreign-owned enterprises have increased.

More and more foreign investors become unwilling to cooperate with local merchants. This phenomenon is thought provoking.

Puesto: Las inversiones en Túnez Vestuario y Textiles Rehusó
Este artículo fue escrito por Jeawin de La Zhenlihua, una china líder fabricante de máquinas circulares, proveedor & exportador. La compañía se ha comprometido a la investigación, desarrollo, producción y venta de máquinas circulares. Contáctenos hoy mismo para recibir el E-Catálogo. Se anima a reproducciones de este artículo, sino que deben incluir un enlace a