Why circular knitting machine keeps snagging yarns even with weights on it?

Q: Why circular knitting machine keeps snagging yarns even with weights on it?
I purchased an innovations knitting machine from Ebay tried it out and every time I start knitting the yarn keeps getting snagged. I added weights to no avail. I kept taking it off and starting over no help. Does anyone else have this problem that they solved? I have a smaller model that knits beautifully so I don’t know what is wrong with this one Does anyone else know what is going on here?

A: I’m not sure what you mean by “getting snagged”. Do you mean it is catching on a latch? Is the yarn fuzzy and sticking? Maybe the timing is off on the stitches, and so the latch is not opening or closing at the right time. Maybe it’s the tension on the yarn. There could be many reasons… someone really needs to see it in operation to know for sure. But check it all very carefully. Turn it slowly and watch to see exactly what is going wrong and why it is getting “snagged” and then try to correct it. But perhaps there was a reason it was for sale on eBay… buyer beware.

Post: Why circular knitting machine keeps snagging yarns even with weights on it?
This article was written by Jeawin of The Zhenlihua, a leading china circular knitting machine manufacturer, supplier & exporter. The company was committed to the researching, developing, producing and selling of circular knitting machines. Contact us today to receive the E-Catalogue. Reproductions of this article are encouraged but must include a link back to http://www.circularknittingmachinesale.com/